The Roles They Gave Me

My mother's scapegoat, My father's sandcastle, Women's rivalry, And men's dirt. Angel and god, Archer and prey, You and I know I'm neither, anyway.…

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The Idea of a Poem

Sore ghosts reach the heart of my writing hand Haunting down words as each letter crumbles– Into the pale-skinned page before me, Ants march on the…

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The Majestic Sea

I need to listen to the waves and watch sunsets, Let the water clear my heart of fear and regrets. Witness the sun break into the water and touch the…

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Spiders in my head, busy building webs that spread, fill me up when I am lying in my bed, feeling empty. They pull me up when the bottom takes the…

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My Heart that is my Art

But my heart, my heart, from where  And where do I start? And how, How should I begin? This sad song   That I sing. Should I speak of the eyes and…

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I’m Only a Wayfarer

I’m only a wayfarer, Travelling across lands, Crossing deserts with all their hazards. Barefoot, Half-naked, And half-baked by the heat, From above…

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Ocean Eyes

Silence is heard from a distance, Its dullness is smiling with a grim grimace. The place echoes sounds of furious pain, But its people are snoring in…

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My Grief

My grief is deceptive, Quicksand that swallows you entirely When you think the floor is steady beneath your feet. My grief is treacherous, A daylight…

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Song of the Recluse Writer

Won’t country nights be lonely nights? You said. How could they? The cattle are out of the barn, Over the dew cooled grass, Of this December night.…

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