
مجلة أفانين: هي منصّة إلكترونيّة حرّة، وشاملة، ومتنوّعة، تديرها جمعيّة كتّاب الزيتون والمعهد اللغوي الأمريكي بالدار البيضاء، وتضع على عاتِقها أن تفتحَ نافذةً، للكتّاب والفنّانين في المغرب، نحو آفاق الإبداع. تنشر المجلة أعمالًا أدبية وفنية للكتاب والفنانين الشّباب بالمغرب، بالإضافة إلى مقابلات، وبروفيلات، وفرص، وصور فوتغرافية، وغير ذلك. تروم المجلة تسليط الضّوء على إبداعات الكتاب والفنانين الصّاعدين بالمغرب.


A soft, golden ray penetrated the isolated room, caressed the young child’s cheeks, and awakened the silence that was whispering on the void. The…

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Thought Suicide

Think, very loudly yet not a word is spoken. Words roaming round the round head, Free and loose, no particular pattern.. Just parting and meeting…

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Thus Sang Abdelmoula

It was a long day, one which seemed like it would never end. I could feel the exhaustion creeping throughout my body. My joints felt heavy, and a…

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The Ocean

He gazed at the blazing sun and moved his hand above his head to shield his head from the dizzying heat. Sweat started to form drops on his forehead…

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Between the Lines (BTL): Peace and the Writing Experience

Deadline: March 11, 2021 The U.S. Embassy Morocco is pleased to announce the University of Iowa International Writing Program Between the Lines……

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Multiculturalism, a key component of Morocco as a cultural hub

Morocco represents an excellent example and great hope for humanity in terms of tolerance and multiculturalism. Numerous factors characterize the…

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Call for Contributions: Voices from Morocco

About the Call for Contributions This call is for an anthology in the very early stages of development that seeks to bring together a variety of…

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What I owe me.

I haven't written for a long time. Maybe because I'm scared of my own thoughts. Maybe because I'm scared of what would come out once I stop staring…

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A reflection of a light

In a city of lights she wore a colorless dress reflecting their eyes a book was seized in her hands and the charm of her beauty ended its start she…

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