مجلة أفانين: هي منصّة إلكترونيّة حرّة، وشاملة، ومتنوّعة، تديرها جمعيّة كتّاب الزيتون والمعهد اللغوي الأمريكي بالدار البيضاء، وتضع على عاتِقها أن تفتحَ نافذةً، للكتّاب والفنّانين في المغرب، نحو آفاق الإبداع. تنشر المجلة أعمالًا أدبية وفنية للكتاب والفنانين الشّباب بالمغرب، بالإضافة إلى مقابلات، وبروفيلات، وفرص، وصور فوتغرافية، وغير ذلك. تروم المجلة تسليط الضّوء على إبداعات الكتاب والفنانين الصّاعدين بالمغرب.
9 September 2021
Beauty is Trouble
A very beautiful woman named Africo was living with her husband Thomasankara, who loved her so jealously that, since he had married her, was unable…
0 Comments34 Minutes
9 September 2021
The darkness inside
I have woken up shaken like this countless times, glued to my bed, my gaze moving around the room and making sure where I am. It takes me a couple of…
0 Comments18 Minutes
6 September 2021
Amani walked down the cobblestone pavement, looking straight ahead, even though her squinted eyes begged her to avert her gaze from the blazing sun.…
0 Comments9 Minutes
6 September 2021
A Stranger in Foreign Lands
My journey has come to its end. I have come so far, searching for the meaning of life, yet I am not quite certain, whether I should label this quest…
0 Comments9 Minutes
6 September 2021
Doomed Escape
Eris was the greatest warrior in the kingdom. She was finally rewarded for her service by a trophy of honor from Colonel Bori— “Eris.” Boris’s voice…
0 Comments8 Minutes
29 August 2021
He wants me to stroke his ego. Or at least that was what I told myself as I watched his back dissipate into the foggy streets of Fez. This city is…
0 Comments3 Minutes
24 August 2021
Pending riddle of Sphinx
Right in front of me I caught it recklessly What is it? Oh, it’s a jinx. I just have to feed it Do not mind me for I speak implicitly And my pen…
0 Comments3 Minutes
23 August 2021
To The Living Ones
Uncompleted stories and unfinished poems, my notebook is open on a page full of ideas and scratch. It’s been a long time since I’ve grabbed a pen but…
0 Comments8 Minutes
9 August 2021
Bitter Fruit
It began with sweetness and happiness Everything faded away and now it is all bitterness I killed my dignity to win your heart, but you were…
0 Comments1 Minutes